Superpower: Activated!

  • Uncover the best version of yourself

  • Unlock the potential of your employees and your business

  • Navigate change with confidence, grace, and purpose

Professional Coaching provides:

  • Businesses

    - Measurable results

    - Impact to your bottom line

    - Increased retention and improved recruitment

  • Nonprofit Executives

    - Retention of strong leaders

    - Increased productivity, avoiding burnout

    - Development of your leader’s superpowers

  • Individuals

    - Deeper confidence in accessing your power

    - Realized job change or career move

    - Fulfillment and happiness in the time of life that you are in right now

How do we get results?

Together, Coach and Client

  • Build TRUST, focus inward

  • CHALLENGE you to LEVEL UP, exploring the 360 view around you

  • Hold space for ACCOUNTABILITY and CONSISTENCY for change to take shape

  • Business owner

    "Working with Amity has been a game-changer for my business. From our very first session, her strategic approach helped me pinpoint exactly what was holding my business back. The ability to break down complex challenges into actionable steps made a huge difference and I can’t recommend her highly enough for anyone looking to take their business to the next level."

  • Chief Executive

    "The surprising impact from coaching was a complete mindset shift! Amity brings a humorous, refreshing lightness to sessions that undoubtedly include the heavy weight that we execs carry. I felt I could trust her completely. Coaching with Amity helped me regain an essential connection to myself, to my chief decider, establishing a sense of balance and strength in both my professional and personal life."

  • Woman changing jobs

    "Coaching with Amity supported me in finding and trusting my inner voice. Amity genuinely cared about my journey in self-discovery and consistently showed me how to access my own power. Amity meets you where you are and gently enlightens you about possible pathways to your goals with a kind understanding and ability to help you organize your mind and goals into more realistic, achievable steps."

Amity Coaching, LLC

Available tools: